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Scientific Papers
Preparation of novel silica-clay mineral aerogel nanocomposites with outstanding thermal insulation performance
Alyne Lamy-Mendes, Cláudio MR Almeida, Benilde FO Costa, Luísa Durães
Ceramics International, 2024
DOI: 10.1016/j.ceramint.2024.04.346
Improvement of the mechanical properties of silica aerogels for thermal insulation applications through a combination of aramid nanofibres and microfibres
Mariana Emilia Ghica, Jandira GS Mandinga, Teresa Linhares, Cláudio MR Almeida, Luisa Durãess
Gels, 2023
DOI: 10.3390/gels9070535
Thermal Conductivity of Nanoporous Materials: Where Is the Limit?
Beatriz Merillas, João Pedro Vareda, Judith Martín-de León, Miguel Ángel Rodríguez-Pérez, Luisa Durães
Polymers, 2022
DOI: 10.3390/polym14132556
Novel Kevlar® pulp-reinforced alumina-silica aerogel composites for thermal insulation at high temperature
Ghica, M.E., Almeida, C.M.R., Rebelo, L.S.D., Cathoud-Pinheiro, G.C., Costa, B.F.O Durães, L.
Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 2021
DOI: 10.1007/s10971-021-05692-x
Silica-based aerogel composites reinforced with different aramid fibres for thermal insulation in Space environments
Almeida, C.M.R., Ghica, M.E., Ramalho, A.L. Durães, L.
Journal of Materials Science, 2021
DOI: 10.1007/s10853-021-06142-3
Insights on toxicity, safe handling and disposal of silica aerogels and amorphous nanoparticles
João P. Vareda, Carlos A. García-González, Artur J. M. Valente, Rosana Simón-Vázquez, Marina Stipetic, Luisa Durães
Environmental Science: Nano, 2021
DOI: 10.1039/D1EN00026H
Aerogéis de sílica - materiais promissores para sistemas de isolamento térmico de dispositivos aeroespaciais
Cláudio M.R. Almeida, Mariana E. Ghica, Luisa Durães
INGENIUM N.º 176 pag. 109 - 111
INGENIUM N.º 176 - Edição de Abril, Maio e Junho de 2022
Extended Abstract - Reinforcement Strategies of Silica Aerogels for Thermal Insulation Applications
Luísa Durães, Cláudio M.R. Almeida, Mariana Emília Ghica, António Portugal
Proceedings, 2020
DOI: 10.3390/proceedings2020057002
Optimization of Polyamide Pulp-Reinforced Silica Aerogel Composites for Thermal Protection Systems
Mariana Emília Ghica, Cláudio M.R. Almeida, Mariana Fonseca, António Portugal, Luísa Durães
Polymers, 2020
DOI: 10.3390/polym12061278
An overview on alumina-silica-based aerogels
Cláudio M.R. Almeida, Mariana Emília Ghica, Luísa Durães
Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 2020
DOI: 10.1016/j.cis.2020.102189
Communications in International Meetings
Plenary Session: Reinforcment strategies of silica aerogels for thermal insulation applications
Luisa Durães, Cláudio M.R. Almeida, Mariana E. Ghica, António Portugal
in Priorities of Chemistry foa a Sustainable Development: PRIOCHEM - XVI, Online live conference 28 - 30 October 2020.
Presentation: Silica-based monolithic aerogels reinforced with aramid pulp
for thermal insulation
Cláudio M.R. Almeida, Mariana Emília Ghica, António Portugal, Luísa Durães
in International Conference on Aerogels for Biomedical and Environmental Applications, Spain 18 - 20 February 2020.
Presentation: Influence of alumina/silica ratio on the properties of alumina-silica-based aerogels reinforced with aramid fibres
Ghica, M.E., Almeida, C.M.R., Rebelo, L., Durães, L.
in Aerogels Seminar, Hamburg 16 - 18 September 2020.
Presentation: Silica and alumina-silica based aerogels reinforced with aramid fibres as promising candidates for Space applications
Mariana E. Ghica, Cláudio M.R. Almeida, Laura Rebelo, Gabriel Cathoud-Pinheiro, Luisa Durães
in NanoMaterials for Energy and Environment (NanoMatEn 2021), Paris 23 - 25 June 2021.
Presentation: High-performance silica aerogel nanocomposites for insulation under extreme temperature Space environments
Luísa Durães, Mariana E. Ghica, Cláudio M.R. Almeida, Alyne Lamy-Mendes, Teresa Linhares, Amílcar L. Ramalho, Benilde F.O. Costa, António Portugal
in Webinar "Sustainable silica based nanomaterials for thermal protection systems", Coimbra 12 January 2022.
Conference Poster: Silica-based aerogels reinforced with aramid fibers for thermal insulation at extreme temperatures
Mariana Emilia Ghica, Cláudio M.R. Almeida, Luisa Durães
in XXV Encontro Galego-Portugues de Química, Spain 20 - 22 November 2019.
Conference Poster: Effect of different aramid fibres as reinforcement of silica-based aerogels for high-temperature thermal insulation materials
Almeida, C.M.R., Ghica, M.E., Durães, L.
in Aerogel Seminar, Germany, Hamburg 16 - 18 September 2020.
Master Thesis
Reinforcement of silica aerogels with macro and nano aramid fibres
Jandira Mandinga, 2021
Supervisors: L. Durães and M.E.Ghica
Synthesis of alumina-silica composites aerogels for thermal insulation at high temperatures
Laura Sofia Dias Rebelo, 2020
Supervisors: L. Durães and M.E.Ghica
Synthesis of silica aerogels with poliamide fibers for thermal insulation at extreme temperature
Mariana Alves Fonseca, 2019
Supervisors: L. Durães and M.E.Ghica
Entity: INPI - "Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial"
Type: Temporary Patent Application | "Pedido Provisório de Patente"
Number: 20221000002203
Authors: A. Lamy Mendes, L. Durães, Cláudio M. R. Almeida, B. O. Costa
Owner: University of Coimbra
Date: 26-05-2022
Entity: WIPO - World Intellectual Property Organization
Type: PCT (Patent Cooperation Treaty) International Application
Number: PCT/IB2022/055084
Authors: A. Lamy Mendes, L. Durães, Cláudio M. R. Almeida, B. O. Costa
Owner: University of Coimbra
Date: 31-05-2022

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