Main Institution
University of Coimbra (UC) is the proponent of AeroXTreme and responsible for all its activities. Almost all the work will be performed at CIEPQPF, the research unit of the project. Team members belonging to CEMMPRE & CFisUC research units will also collaborate in the project for the characterization of the nanocomposites.

Industrial Partner

Active Aerogels is a company that develops and manufactures nano-structured materials for thermal insulation and for adsorption of pollutants, applicable to several sectors of activity, such as space, aeronautics, oil & gas, housing, and wastewater treatment.
The core production of Active Aerogels is aerogels, a synthetic porous ultralight material. Active Aerogels provides solutions for highly demanding thermal requirements and is developing innovative aerogel applications adapted to specific needs, such as flexibility, hydrophobicity, and composition.
Clay/Minerals Suplier

Integrated in the Omya Group, world-wide leader of fillers, and with an experienced, dynamic and competent team. Omya gains each day a new dimension, surpassing borders to reach new markets. Omya SA is nowadays leader of the domestic market of fillers, creating a unique style. In the trading sector, it aims at the strengthening of its role in the market. Adopting a positive attitude, the company is in permanent change and constant movement, building a future with quality. Its target markets are Paints, Paper, Plastics, Ceramics, Glass, Construction, amongst others.
During several decades working in space industry, Wolfgang P.P. Fischer acquired outstanding experience in all fields of space studies and project development, especially for thermal control and protection technologies from cryogenic to ultra-high temperature applications.
In the 1990’s and begin of 2000s Wolfgang P.P. Fischer participated in several studies concerning application of already existing insulation materials for future launchers, under German and ESA programs. After the beginning of the 2000s, Wolfgang P.P. Fischer was responsible for the thermal insulation projects at Airbus, concerning budgetary and technical points of view. He coordinated the collaboration of all participating industrial and academic partners and was directing the development of cryogenic tank insulations for launchers. After more than one decade of ETI (External Tank Insulation) experience, he was project manager of ArianeGroup, formely Airbus Safran Launchers (a joint venture Airbus and Safran), and focused in R&D of new own developments of ETI. The ArianeGroup will apply the insulation systems developed by Wolfgang P.P. Fischer to the new launcher ARIANE 6 (first and second stage) for its first launch in 2020.
Now, working as responsible of space projects in Space-F, he offers the full spectrum from acquisition to implementation concerning technical management and engineering support for projects to be performed/developed for space programs.